Wednesday, December 2, 2009

This week's fashion inspiration

On Monday we celebrated St. Andrews Day--the national day in Scotland--by going to St. Andrews. All the museums were free that day, there were Scottish bagpipes, a street ceilidh and a torchlight procession down to the harbour. To start the festivities off, we visited the St. Andrews Museum that was having an exhibit on vintage clothing. Hooray!

Turns out they are doing a massive archive of vintage clothing in Scotland. They had well-preserved dresses and suits from most decades but what really impressed me were the dresses from the late 1800's. Check out these dresses:

Someday I would love to make a walking dress from this time period. Any recommendations for good patterns?

Here's a short video of the street ceilidh to put you all in a dancing mood!!



  1. Pretty cool clothes. Looks like there's a corset and a bussle involved though-ouch! The street dance makes me want to drink some whiskey and dance dance dance.

  2. Really nice dresses. Here, we don't have such nice exhibits as far as I know, but I had been very impressed by the dresses at the Victoria and Albert Museum.
    For patterns from this period, I quite like Truly Victorian (I am slowly sewing through the huge pile of patterns I bought from her), and they are well made and present therefore not so much difficulties... There are lots of pictures on her website, so you can figure out what you want to assemble to achieve the desired look, and Heather is very helpful.

  3. Thank you! I had never seen this website before--so I am very excited to check it out!


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