Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The 'Lady of the Lake' Dress or McCall 3228

Do you like my new logo and blog layout?  David did the logo for me and I LOVE it!!!!  I've been wanting to switch to a white background for some time and this is just perfect!

Here's some photos of my newest creation.  This should actually be called the 'Lady of the Stream' outfit...hehehehe

This is my version of McCall 3228 for this week's theme of black and white at the Sew Weekly.  I don't usually do busy prints but I thought this was a nice one. It's synthetic but has a nice drape to it.

It has a 'bloused' effect which was popular in 1939/1940 patterns in that the top of the dress looks like a blouse that has been tucked in.

I used a really cute white rose trim at the neckline and pearl buttons, buckle and link buttons.

Since the theme was to incorporate a hat as well, I have this little late '40's hat that goes perfectly! It's got the most adorable feathers on the top.

I really like it!  I've got tons more photos to share but I'll save some of them for another post :)
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