Friday, June 3, 2011

Me-Made June Days 1 and 2 and my 1943 dress

Me-Made June Day 1
This week has been super fun so far! My niece and her husband are visiting us from the States. We've been showing them around Scotland (mostly places within day trips of Edinburgh).  For me-made June Day 1 we revisited the Voodoo Rooms (which is where David and I went for Valentine's Day this year) to have a nice dinner and listen to some live music.  The perfect outfit for a night out?  Definitely the 1933 Butterick dress I made based on the Katherine Hepburn movie blogged here:

Me-Made June Day 2
We've spent the first couple of days touring around Edinburgh and the weather has just started to get really nice (last week was CRAZY weatherwise including 100 mph winds!!).  So far this week it's been a bit muggy and real Scottish weather (i.e. changing every 30 minutes).

This week's theme for the sew weekly was to sew the perfect summer dress.  For me that would be 1. something that is easy to layer, 2. A dress that has pockets, 3. A fabric that doesn't wrinkle and 4. super comfy in a nice summer colour!  I think I found the perfect match in McCall 5384, from 1943:

This pattern has really amazing subtle lines that I think are really flattering.  I had a nice synthetic linen-look fabric in my stash in a beautiful raspberry colour.  You see, I love the look of linen but hate how easily it wrinkles.  This fabric is the perfect combination of the linen-look but without the wrinkles (perfect for a dress that has gathers which can be difficult to iron).

I absolutely adore the pockets on this dress:

The zipper is on the left side of the dress, leaving the back very streamlined:

I absolutely love the fit of this dress. The nice thing about sewing from the same time period and similar patterns (i.e. McCall) is that I know exactly how the patterns fit me.

 I love the shoulder yokes as well and the gathers are mirrored in the pockets:

Happy June everyone!
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